ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life
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Summary for March 17, 2019
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Dear Folks -
The talk I offered in Ordinary Life this week led me to revisit the questions James Lipton used to end all of his interviews with. Lipton hosted a television program called “Inside the Actor’s Studio.” The interviews were extensive and in-depth. At the end of each interview he would ask each guest the same list of questions. The questions included things like, “What is your favorite word?" "What is your favorite curse-word?” Etc. The last question each time was, “And, finally, if heaven exists what would you like to hear God say to you when you arrive at the pearly gates?”
Questions can reposition us. That is, they can pick us up from where we are, or think we are, and locate us in another world entirely. For some folks this is anxiety provoking. I would remind you, however, that spiritual maturity is choosing growth over security. I called the talk,
And, Finally, If Heaven Exists
That is a very brief summary of the talk offered in Ordinary Life this week. This is another one of those talks where I personally think the audio version is better than the written one.
You can read or download the text from which I spoke, view the presentation slides, listen to the audio of the talk and/or watch the video of the talk using the links below.
If you are reading this, I want you to know how grateful I am for and to you.
Be well and much love,
Bill Kerley
To read or download the text of the talk, click here.
To view or download the presentation slides, click here.
To listen to or download the audio version of the talk, use the link below.
To watch the video of the presentation, click on the player below.