Summary for June 16, 2019
I don’t know about you all, but I so enjoy doing these talks with Bill. We make a plan, and inevitably more comes up than we have planned for. We only just began to scratch the surface of so many things: destiny and fate, the language of faith, disrupting old paradigms in favor of an evolving faith...what a ride! We both read from sources like Richard Rohr’s daily meditations, Progressing Spirit, Ilia Delio’s Omega Center, Brian Swimme, and Michael Morwood to open our hearts and minds to yours.
In the mystical tradition, real religion is about making one out of two. In cosmology, the universe is viewed as a “differentiated singularity.” Ilia Delio writes: “On the whole we are not conscious of evolution; we do not live as creatures in evolution, and we do not act as if our choices can influence the direction of evolution . . . In my view, evolution is the story, the meta narrative of our age . . . When the mind can engage reality as a question rather than imposing prefabricated answers on it, then one can participate creatively in evolution.” The questions at the heart of our talk is what is the sacred mystery trying to express through you? And what old paradigms do you need to examine and transform in order to make way for this to occur?
Thank you so much for joining us. We are so grateful for your in person and virtual presence. Click here for the audio and visual recording of our time together.
With Love - Holly & Bill
To listen to the audio recording of today’s talk, use the player below.