ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life
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Summary for March 29, 2020
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Dear Folks -
Thank you for your feedback and participation in the virtual version of Ordinary Life. As you likely are now aware, we are going to continue with live-streaming through the month of April. We all hope that the dire predictions regarding this virus are off target. We will also all continue to practice every safety precaution possible so that we and our loved ones stay well.
Holly Hudley and I will continue to co-teach and we will shape our conversations to fit and needs and concerns of our present context.
Now that you likely have some extra time on your hands if you would like a website to explore to enrich your spiritual practice(s) and to increase your religious and spiritual literacy, I highly recommend Spirituality and Practice. Click here to be taken to their website.
This week Holly and I called the conversation we had
Your Nose is Bigger Than Mine
We got that line from a poem by the Sufi Mystic, Hafiz. His notion is that if we really look at each other and go deep, our union will be so glorious that even God will not be able to tell us apart. We talked about why and what keeps us from truly seeing and how we can learn to navigate this storm time like a sailor using a sextant. We also affirmed how we are on the cusp of a New Axial age and are being given, precisely because of the pandemic, an opportunity to see cosmically. In the talk I referred to a music video of a virtual choir singing “It Is Well With My Soul.” To view that, click here. The text we used contains the complete Hafiz poem as well as the poem/prayer we used to end the time together.
That is a brief summary of the talk offered in Ordinary Life. The audio version contains all the asides and ad libs.
You can read or download the text from which we spoke, view the presentation slides, listen to the audio of the talk and/or watch the video of the talk using the links below.
You can read the text from which we spoke below. You can find the presentation slides, the audio and video version of the talk on the Ordinary Life website.
If you are reading this, I want you to know how grateful I am for and to you.
Be well and much love,
Bill Kerley
In order to view or to download the presentation slides, click here.
To read or downloaw the text we had in front of us, it isn’t a transcript!, click here.
To watch the rebroadcast of today’s presentation, use the YouTube link below.