In Between is a production of Ordinary Life, an educational offering of St. Paul's United Methodist Church in Houston, TX. In Plato's Symposium, Socrates offered up his understanding of Eros (or Love) as given to him by the oracle, Diotima. Love is the metaxy, or "in between" what is human and divine, what is human and human, and what is human and everything else. In short, there is no love without the in between. We are also always operating in between: life and death, today and tomorrow, youth and old age, past and future. The only thing we have is the moment, thus how can we learn to live each one with more purpose, love, and compassion. We are figuring out our way between the no longer and the not yet, sitting with questions about spirituality, religion, and human becoming in light of what we know of evolutionary cosmology. Our weekly podcast is an exploration that furthers connection and conversation about what it means to live in the current world with more faith, hope, and joy.
This week we talk about being in the wilderness and learning to see in the dark. Surely during this time we are in an immense groping — for meaning, for understanding, for a path forward. Hopefully these talks give you a little light, a little companionship along the way.