SUNDAY LECTURE | Being Free by Being Bound Together

ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life

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Summary for April 11, 2021

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Dear Folks -

After a three week hiatus Ordinary Life resumed this week. We continued our deep dive into the Lord’s Prayer. The phrase we are up to is the very familiar “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” We introduced Diarmuid O’Murchu’s newest book, “Doing Theology in an Evolutionary Way” and Nick Page’s book, “A Nearly Infallible History of Christianity.” This class begins an exploration into forgiveness, inclusion, redemption and other related matters. One of the things contained in the time is a refutation of what I call the “most successful bad theology ever written.” Going forward we must do theology in a context of a post-colonial way of thinking, a trust and faith in the wisdom of science and by embracing the reality of evolution. We called the time -

Finding Freedom by Being Bound Together

That is a very brief summary of Ordinary Life for this week.

You can find the text we had in front of us, the presentation slides and the audio version of the talk using the links below.

Also, be aware that we have instituted a weekly podcast. It is called “In Between.” You can access this through the Ordinary Life website.

If you would like to know how to make a contribution to Ordinary Life, click here for video instructions.

If you are reading this, I want you to know how grateful I am for and to you.

Be well and much love,

Bill Kerley

In order to read or download the text of the talk, click here.
In order to view or download the presentation slide, click here.

To listen to the audio recording of this talk, please use the player below.

To watch the video of the talk, please use the player below.