What are you after?
What do you want?
What do you seek?
Come along and see for yourself….
What we want and what we need are sometimes at odds, and sometimes we don’t want what we need. But how, exactly, do we figure out what our highest needs are? And who are we to teach you about your needs? Our hope is not to tell you what you need, but lead you toward the place where it becomes more clear to you. Frederick Buechner wrote: “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” If we are open to what life opens up to us, I think something magically reciprocal will happen. Our personal needs will be met and we will meet the needs of many if we are genuine in our pursuit. This is, most simply, how we are interconnected.
Jesus, in his wisdom, does not tell people what they need, but issues an invitation to “come and see for yourself.” Let us hope that we issue that same invitation to all of you. I’ll be so curious…what will you see, what simple awesomeness will you become present to when you are deeply involved in ordinary life?