WEEKLY PODCAST | In Between.090

Somewhere in the middle of the podcast, we asked ourselves, “What is the theme again?” But as I listened I realized that they are Being and Spiritual Healing. To heal spiritually, we need a body. The two are not separate. And one of the ways we get into the body is through breath. If you want a few quick threads to take away:

  1. Watch Afterlife on Netflix

  2. The answer is always “a Daily Spiritual Practice” or “use your blinkers.” (Remember that!)

  3. “Love kicks the ass of time and space.” ~Hafiz

We also talked about how useful it is to know a 6 on the Enneagram should the world actulaly be coming to an end next Tuesday. Your beloved 6’s have a plan…trust me. But in the event we have more time, let’s work together to make this place something we would be proud of. We hope these conversations offer you some food for thought, some cheer, some pause…Thanks for listening.

Photo by Richard Wingfield