This week’s podcast is a prelude to what Ordinary Life will deal with this Sunday: gender, sex, and sexuality.
Right now our society seems trapped in binaries. Gay-Straight. Black-White. Liberal-Conservative. Male-Female. Roe-Wade. In truth, life is rarely so clearly defined and there is much more gray area than not. Did you know that there are fish in the Galapagos (and other places) that can either switch between genders or permanently switch gender? Some schools of fish have one male to a bunch of females, and if the male dies, one of the females changes her colors, maybe grows an extra fin, and becomes male. Nature knows what she’s doing. Flexibility and adaptation keep her going.
I hope in this podcast and upcoming conversation we can stretch beyond the binaries to investigate how we are doing at inclusion and belonging, both as a class and as individuals. Are we creating safe places for questioning, becoming, and wholeness? Are we creating safe places for healing and restoration?
Thanks for listening.
Galapagos Parrot Fish