ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life

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Summary of Ordinary Life for May 29, 2022

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Dear Ones -

The title I gave to the time in Ordinary Life this week was -

I See! Do We?

There was no way not to make some response to/comments about the most recent mass slaughter in Uvalde. I used a lot of graphics in the presentation. You'll have to go to the website to see them. I know that this assault weapon situation seems hopeless. And, it is until some major changes are made. I quote Nelson Mandela: "It always seems impossible until it is done." We think we see what is going on when so often we don't. I based this talk on the healing of the man born blind story from the Gospel of John. The story is a metaphor for the more significant interior discovery of sight. Please read the text to see this important paragraph. I quoted it twice. This time in which we live is dark. All spiritual traditions talk about "the dark night of the soul" and how such a period can be in service to our growth in love, honesty, and freedom.

That’s a brief summary of the time in Ordinary Life this week.

You can find the text of the, the presentation slides and the audio version of the talk using the links below.

Our podcast, “In Between,” can be accessed through the Ordinary Life web site.

If you would like to know how to make a contribution to Ordinary Life, click here for video instructions.

Be well and much love,

Bill Kerley

In order to read or download the text version of the talk, click here.

In order to view or download the presentation slides, click here.

In order to listen to or download the audio recording of today’s talk, please use the audio player below.

If you would like to watch the video of today’s talk, please use the YouTube player below.