Thinking Critically - Living Faithfully

Dear Ones -

All people who register for the Nadia Bolz-Weber event will receive a link prior to the event that will allow for live-streaming. So that even if you live in Houston or near by and can’t attend the event in person, you will be able to participate that way. To learn more about and register for this event, click here.

I stole the title of my teaching this week from the masthead of The Christian Century -

Thinking Critically - Living Faithfully

Every hero’s story begins with a challenge. So does the Jesus narrative. The story is referred to as “the temptations of Jesus.” Both Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell have helped me understand this tale better. The temptations of Jesus parallel the three crises that the Jews faced in their wilderness wanderings. We also face these temptations in the need to be effective, to be right, and to be in control. I offer a passage by Hannah Arendt about the effect lies told by our political leaders has on our culture. Walking the wayless way requires critical thinking, courage, and endurance. I also give a brief summary of both progressive and regressive theologies and close with a poem by Rosemary Trommer.

That’s a brief summary. Information about how to find the full text and video are below.

The audio/video versions of the talk has some differences from the text I spoke from. You can find the text of the talk, the presentation slides and links to the audio and video version of the talk using the links below.

If you are interested in making a contribution to Ordinary Life, click here. There is an option to scroll to “Ordinary Life” as the option for how to designate your gift. Thank you!

Be well and much love,

Bill Kerley

In order to read or download the text of the talk, click here.

In order to view or download the presentation slides, click here.

In order to view or download the announcement slides, click here.

In order to download or to listen to the audio recording of today’s talk, please use the audio player below.