Our God Box

Dear Folks -

What is going to heal the divisiveness in our country? In our world? In
us? The two guys running for president don't seem to know - either one of
them. I see our divided selves as a spiritual problem and, in short, think
that our troubles have come as a result of various people and groups
slamming shut their "God boxes." A "God box" - and everybody has one - is
what we keep our basic beliefs and values in that guide our behavior.
Keeping the lid open and being open to change both the shape of the box and
its content is how we learn to live together.

For the next four Sundays my beautiful bride and I will be traveling in
Italy, Greece and Turkey. I look forward to seeing you when I return.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

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Be Still and Know

Dear Folks -

From time to time I emphasize the importance of having a spiritual
practice - of some sort. The questions I raise are, among others, "how do
you experience the sacred? What, on a regular basis do you do to free you
from the claims of the ego?" Two people I know recently completed what is
called The Ten Day training in meditation. Sometimes it is referred to as
The Retreat of Noble Silence because one of the vows participants take is
not to speak for ten days!

If you type Vippassana Meditation into Google, you will be taken to many
sites explaining it. Check out the Southwest Vippassana Center near Dallas,

I don't have the remarks of the two who spoke - they did an outstanding
job. I do have an audio tape and if there is enough interest, I'll make
copies. Also, we are experimenting with being able to make CDs of the class.
I am grateful to Firoozeh Tuller and Russell Richard for taking the time to
speak to us.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

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I Have Some Questions

Dear Folks -

Several people had some significant questions about things I've said in
Ordinary Life during the month of September - can we talk politics in
church? and what is the "just war" theory? Plus, I had a question of my own
I wanted to ask the gathering. It's not possible for me to capture and
present to you the results of the discussion groups that took place but I am
putting the full text of my remarks below.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

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Packing For the Big Trip

Dear Folks -

This week in Ordinary Life I talked about packing for the big trip - the
one we all don't want to make. The trip is to whatever is on the other side
of physical death. This was a question I asked my dad shortly before his
death - "Are you packed?"
When we talk about death and beyond, we are limited to using symbolic
language. This can cause much misunderstanding because we have such a
tendency to mistake the symbol for the thing itself. But words like
"heaven," "hell," "judgment," and "hope" are symbols that can inform and
shape how we live in the here and now. Taking them seriously is a way we
have of packing for the trip.

Once again, thank you for all your expressions of sympathy.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

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