Dear Ones -
Last week I talked about our need to heal the image we have of God. This week
I'll spend time on our need to heal the image we have of ourselves.
One of my most important spiritual teachers said years ago that spiritual work
was not primarily about walking a "spiritual path." He said that spiritual work
was about what one did to get back on the path after being knocked off of it.
I'm giving the talk I want to offer this week this title -
Getting Out of the Rut
I hope, if you are in the Houston area, you'll be able to attend Ordinary Life
this week. I look forward to seeing you.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download Presentation Slides 6:26:11 -Getting Out of the Rut.pdf
Click here to Download audio 20110626.mp3
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Dear Ones -
I am giving the "life talk" I'll give in Ordinary Life this week this title -
The Feminine Face of God
I'll be speaking about our need to heal the understandings we have of ourselves
and also the need we have to heal the image we have of God.
For most people the image that comes to mind when the word "God" is used is not
a nurturing and compassionate image but, rather, one of harshness and judgment.
Even though most everyone can say "God is love," at the same time people either
fear God or experience God as some far-off being.
I believe some correcting (healing) could be brought to both the understanding
we have of ourselves and that we have of God if we could manage to see "the
feminine face of God."
I hope, if you are in the Houston area, you'll be able to attend Ordinary Life
this week. I look forward to seeing you.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download Slide Presentation 6:19:11 - The Feminine Face of God.pdf
Click here to Download audio 20110619.mp3
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Dear Folks -
This week Ordinary Life began with a video that you can find at -
(Let the video load completely before playing it.)
The video was a fun piece of "magic" done on an iPad 2 and I showed it because both magic and technology fit with the talk I wanted to give.
The talk begins with the question, "What does it mean to follow Jesus."
We all follow some set of values in life and this talk was intended to provoke those who heard it to gain some clarity about what values they follow. My answer is that to follow Jesus means to develop the faith to be open to all that is and all who are. Because, if the least of us is in danger, so are we all. That's a summary of what I said.
The text I used to speak from is below.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
To download audio, click here
To download the written file, click here
To download the slides, click here
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Dear Folks -
The "life talk" I gave in Ordinary Life this week was based on a saying of Jesus
that talks about God paying attention to sparrows and knowing the number of
hairs on our heads. This is not, of course, to be taken literally. It is a
reminder of our true identity and how the teachings of Jesus were both intensely
personal and very political. Conservatives tend to emphasize the personal side
of the message and liberals the political. There has to be a balance.
The text I used to speak from is below.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download 20110605 text.pdf
Click here to Download 6:5:11 - His Eye is On The Sparrow Presentation Slides.pdf
Click here to Download 20110605 audio.mp3
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