Books for the Journey

Marcus Borg and the Legacy He Leave Us

I mentioned in the talk I offered on January 25, 2015 the death of Marcus Borg and the incredibly influence he has had on me and my teaching. Borg wrote over twenty books and is considered one of the leading scholars on the "historical Jesus" of our time. It was quite by accident that I read the first book by him that I read: "Reading The Bible Again For The First Time." You can check our that talk by clicking here.

I have started this particular addition to this "resources" section because of requests I have received from people who want ideas for books to read to support and/or enhance their spiritual journey or as books to read as part of their daily practice.

I will begin with two suggestions.


First will be one of Borg's books. It is his most recent and is a "spiritual biography." The book is "Convictions: How I Learned What Matters Most."


The other book is something that is more "how to" and is one I wish I could persuade the whole world to read. It is Cindy Wigglesworth's book "SQ21: The Twenty-One Skills of Spiritual Intelligence."

I have know Cindy for years and have watched the work she has put into getting this book birthed.

SQ21 is a logical extension of Danial Goleman's work on "emotional intelligence." It is clear that there are many people in this world, especially those who wield might and power, who don't have a clue about the wake they live in the lives of other by their policies and practices.

This book offers tools to become more aware and change behavior.

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND both of these.