From Reason to Radical Wonder

Dear Folks -


A man had a hundred sheep. One of them was lost and he went looking for it until it was found.


This parable of Jesus has been so domesticated by us that we don't hear its offensive meaning. In summary the message is that we are to be, and this take non-dual mind to understand, both the culturally despised shepherd and, at the same time, realize that we are the sheep that has wandered off the trail.


The full text I spoke from is below. You will find the audio version somewhat different and that is available on the Ordinary Life website as well as a copy of the slides I used to accompany the talk.


Much love,


Bill Kerley


To download the text in pdf format click here  Download 201209520 - Text


To download the slides in pdf format click here  Download 5:20:12 - Beyond Reason


To download the audio in MP3 format click here Download 20120520 - MP3