Tell Me What To Do

Dear Folks -


Anytime we don't know how to do something, like prepare a particular recipe, it is okay to go asking for advice. This is the way we learn and grow. For many things in the realm of dualism is this true. However, the stakes are higher when it comes to seeking advice about religious and spiritual matters. Sometimes what we hear is either not at all what we had hoped for or are willing to do.


I open this "life talk" with an experience from the days of my clinical training where one of my colleagues asked a professor to "tell him what do do." Then use one of Jesus' parables to encourage our being open to living more truly in the present as the persons we truly are.


The full text I spoke from is below. You will find the audio version somewhat different and that is available on the Ordinary Life website as well as a copy of the slides I used to accompany the talk.


Much love,


Bill Kerley


To download the text of the talk click here  Download 5:27:12 - Summary


To download the slides used during the talk click here  Download 5:27:12 - What To Do


To download the talk in MP3 format click here Download 2012.5.27 MP3