"The Way We Are"

Dear Folks,

Our pilgrimage is almost complete.  We have arrived at the destination we set out for nearly three weeks ago - Santiago.  The city is laid out - at least, the old part of the city where we are staying - like a rabbit warren and getting around is a challenge.  I've added a couple of posts since my last message to you.  They are available at http://www.ordinarylife.org/pilgrimage-trip/.

Once again, I offer my thanks and blessings to Dr. Randy Zercher for teaching at the Ordinary Life class on Sunday.  Randy offered a humorous and entertaining look into Methodism and the hymns of Charles Wesley, and Randy provides the following summary.

"Last Sunday's talk was about 1) the present Methodist church and how we got to be "the way we are," and 2) a bit about Charles Wesley and his hymns. He wrote over 6,000 and 51 are presently in our hymnal, including "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" and "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing."

These talk dealt in generalities, but I hope they introduced folks to some of the basics and perhaps helped us love our denomination more, as well as work to help it "get better" even as we grow in our getting better.

Here is also the resource sheet I mentioned two Sundays ago.



I will be back at Ordinary Life on Sunday, July 27, and I look forward to seeing you all there.

Be well!

Much love,

Bill Kerley 

For a complete text of the talk, click here.

To view the presentation slides, click here.

For a copy of the "Methodist Talks Resources" document, click here.

To listen to the audio, click on the link below.