WEEKLY PODCAST | In Between.104

There will be a new theme in Ordinary Life that Bill will introduce Sunday, but it rests on the notion that perhaps all of “it” (meaning religion) is myth, and that the real work is within. So that launched us into the topic of the journey within, to which Jung contributed hugely. Another person, who Bill mentions, is Frederick Beuchner, author of The Sacred Journey, and he died at age 96 just last week.

The light we are called to stand in is about justice, equality, freedom, and compassion. This is the journey we are called to take, to meet the Christ within, the one who leads us always and every day toward radical, inclusive love.

Wendell Berry wrote, “There are no unsacred places; there are only sacred places and desecrated places.” You are sacred. Wherever you go is sacred. Every single one of you. Let us live like this is true.

Thanks for listening, and hope you tune in Sunday.

From Carl Jung’s “The Red Book”