WEEKLY PODCAST | In Between.109

It’s almost absurd to try to cover the hero or heroine’s journey in a matter of weeks. In the scope of things, both are cyclical journeys that happen throughout our lifetimes. So if there is any indication that we give the impression that you can do this quickly, stop us now!!!

Myths, rituals, and processes are meant to churn over an over in our minds, to work with at different points in different ways. Archetypes are supposedly universal and collective, but the myths….the myths can change. We need new myths that incorporate and integrate our feminine and masculine aspects, our shadow and our light, our bodies and minds. One way to read the mutations of violence and division erupting all over the world is that we are self destructing. Another way is to hear the cry beneath the pain, that we are yearning for something else to emerge. I think some deep wisdom in us knows we need more compassion, more nurturance, more balance. In short we need more love. Now, love can come through both the feminine and the masculine, and a whole picture of love braids both.


Change is hard. The change needed is to allow the feminine to roar her mighty roar…right alongside the masculine. She is not to be feared. I read this quote from Maureen Murdock’s book, The Heroine’s Journey, that strangely, gave me hope. “Change is frightening but where there’s fear, there’s power. If we learn to feel our fear without letting it stop us, fear can become an ally, a sign to tell us that something we have encountered can be transformed. Often our true strength is not in the things that represent what is familiar, comfortable, or positive but in our fear and even in our resistance to change.”

The fear of change, the anxiety about not knowing exactly how to face the unknown or create what needs to be created, is also a call, an initiation. Welcome in. You are not alone.