ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life
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Summary of March 15, 2015
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Dear Folks -
This week the title of my “life talk” in Ordinary Life was -
“Being Seen, Heard, Cherished"
I based it on my understanding of and experience with one of the sayings from the Gospel of Thomas. In the talk I quote a couple of passages from the book “Always We Begin Again.” In doing spiritual work we have both the exciting opportunity and sacred obligation always to begin again.
There is so much shallowness or destruction that goes on in the name of religions that many people become disdainful and dismissive of the whole enterprise or they become divisive or violent in some form or the other.
I propose that the way to deal with this is to be open to a mystical stance in the living of our lives. Mysticism simply means a willingness to see the Sacred in everything and everyone. What brings us, and our world, healing is to be seen, heard and cherished beyond any of the limiting labels we or life has a tendency to put on us.
Perhaps more than any talk I’ve offered recently, this is one where you will want to hear the audio version and must see the presentation slides. You can access the text, slides and audio using the links below.
Be well!
Much love,
Bill Kerley
To read the text of the talk click here
To access the presentation slides click here
To listen to the audio of the presentation use the link below