The Spiritual Thread

Dear Folks -

While Bill was away this past weekend, we were blessed to have Luis Bautista, aka, Lucky Luis, speak to our Ordinary Life gathering.  I've spoken about Luis' gifts and insights, and on Sunday, many others got to experience him as well.  Luis titled his talk:

"The Spiritual Thread."

Perhaps the best way to convey the tone and message of Luis' talk is to hear what several people said after Luis spoke.  One member said, "He is saying the same thing as Bill, only from a different perspective and background."  Another said, "The way he connected mindfulness, living authentically, and loving, sounds a lot like Bill."  Yes indeed, Bill with a new slant on things.

Luis spoke of those things we seek to achieve for ourselves, and that which Bill speaks about with regularity:  Living authentically. Creating connection with Sacred Mystery.  Overcoming our fears.  Putting the ego in the closet and living from the Self.  Living with mindfulness and without judgment. Loving others from the Soul.

Luis spoke of these things from a different view, through the lens of living in another cultural tradition and living a different kind of life and upbringing.  Luis spoke of the Native American traditions that all things are alive, that all things are connected, and brought it back to our world "things", where we forget the interconnections we all share.  Speaking about his mother, his father, and his own tumultuous life experience, Luis uniquely illuminated topics dear to our own hearts.

Luis spoke without notes; hence there is no text available for this week's presentation.  Nor are there slides or handouts.  However, the full audio of Luis' talk is available by clicking on the link below.  

I close by appropriating Bill's sign off:  "Be well and much love."

Wayne Herbert