ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life
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Summary for September 10, 2017
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Dear Folks -
There are not enough words or ways to express my profound gratitude for the surprise given me in Ordinary Life this week. Thank you. Thanks to Holly Hudley who put time and energy into arranging such a wonder event. I’m grateful it was captured on audio and video because I can’t put the experience into words.
I haven’t seen or heard the video or audio yet. There are links below for you to check out if you so desire.
In short, what happened is that Holly Hudley, who heads up both the Ordinary Life Steering and Finance Committees, had asked for time to report on the Ordinary Life contribution to Hurricane Harvey relief. We will be giving over $10,000 for this - all going through St. Paul’s. Then, as I thought she was finished, the Steering Committee took over the class and a series of individuals publicly celebrated my 80th birthday. At the end of the event I was left absolutely speechless.
There is a link below to the audio of the event. If, however, you want the full impact of the occasion, you have to see the event. Tim Leatherwood, who takes care of our audio and video issues, informs me that you'll be able to view the occasion in a few days, after the video editing has been completed.
If you are reading this, I want you to know how grateful I am for and to you.
Be well and much love,
Bill Kerley
To hear the audio or see the video of the event, use one of the links below.