Starting in the middle of a sentence, this episode is an exploration on living a colorful life that entails talking about Joshua Bell (see the clip to which we refer below!), Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper, children as see-era, the Fibonacci sequence…okay so we dance around a bit in this episode! Bear with us here, folks, because my kids can be heard in the background nearly the whole time. They are part of my colorful life. Do you think tribalism can be beneficial to us? What are the lessons of the tribe in terms of knowing what roles we are meant to play and how our individual roles can benefit the whole?
Teilhard de Chardin wrote, “Seeing. One could say the whole of life lies in seeing.” So what do you see, and how do you incorporate what you see into your lived reality without inflicting judgement or doing harm? In so many ways life is about holding a constant state of tension, or has Bill has called it, between the no longer and the not yet.
Our task is “to be light, bringing out the God colors in the world.” Light is the reflection of all colors, and darkness is the absorption. How does your light help others to absorb color in a way that is life giving? We are both, light and darkness—how we operate in them is completely our choice.
Thanks for listening and see you Sunday at 9:45!
Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper