SUNDAY LECTURE | Seeds for Change

ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life

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Summary for May 17, 2020

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Dear Folks -

There is no text of this past Ordinary Life presentation. Dr. Cleve Tinsley, IV and the Rev. Nataly Negrete were guests. Holly Hudley and I interviewed them as “experts” who are able to speak about how the pandemic has affected people in minority communities. I encourage you to go to the Ordinary Life website and either listen to or watch the video of our time together. I am grateful there are people like Cleve and Nataly in our world.

I have had several people contact me about the Michael Morwood event. Morwood cancelled his trip from Australia at the beginning of the pandemic. Though I announced that in class, I neglected to make that change on the website. I apologize.

Again, because in this era of “staying at home,” traffic on the internet is intense. This causes difficulty at times with live streaming. I want you to know that we are doing everything on our end to insure this doesn’t interfere with your watching Ordinary Life.

I am so grateful to our being able to continue to meet for Ordinary Life even if it is in a virtual setting. I miss seeing you face-to-face.

Holly Hudley and I will continue to co-teach and we will shape our conversations to fit and needs and concerns of our present context.

If you would like to know how to make a contribution to Ordinary Life, click here for video instructions. 

If you are reading this, I want you to know how grateful I am for and to you.

Be well and much love,

Bill Kerley

If you would like to listen to or download the audio of this presentation, use the link below.