WEEKLY PODCAST | In Between.072

The shortest poem ever written was “Me, We” by Muhammed Ali. By which I think he meant we are nothing without our connection to other people, and to extend it further, to all that is. What we are aiming to do is set the stories and signs of Jesus into a context that creates more freedom and love for everyone. That’s it.

Of course it is not so simple as that. It takes work…an attention to (wait for it) a daily spiritual practice. A willingness to be in constant transformation and evolution. This is the mystery, magic, and miraculous in the book of signs. What prohibits many of us from moving in the direction of love is staying in stage one spiritual development (simplicity) and not moving toward more complexity. you know how wine lovers love a complex wine because ultimately it is more smooth…more full…more flavorful! That’s the metaphor here. In simplicity we stay in a binary, egoic place. There is only “Me,” no “We.” The hope is that these teachings and your spiritual practice move you toward a more unified space - both within and without.

We are negotiating this change in consciousness with each other, in community, and the transformation is also entirely personal. Welcoming to the both/and-ness, the me/we-ness of this process!

Thanks for listening, see you Sunday!

From Glenn Lignon, 2007