ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life
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Summary of Ordinary Life for May 14, 2023
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Dear Ones -
I called what I offered in Ordinary Life this week -
Hospice and The Maternity Ward
At one time smoking was commonly accepted as the norm in this society. The culture, led by the American Cancer Society and the American Medical Association, saw the damage this was causing and began an educational program that led to a dramatic decrease in the number of people who smoke. I believe the same shift is possible, though not painless nor quick, when it comes to our cultural addition to violence. Death and new birth are events that occur all along the spiritual path and our work is to be able to meet both with peace, acceptance, celebration, compassion, and enlightenment. When each of us strives to become better, everything around us becomes better too.
That’s a brief summary of this week’s time in Ordinary Life.
You can find the text of the talk, the presentation slides and the audio version of the talk using the links below.
Our podcast, “In Between,” can be accessed through the Ordinary Life web site.
If you would like to know how to make a contribution to Ordinary Life, click here for video instructions.
Be well and much love,
Bill Kerley
In order to read or download the text version of the talk, click here.
In order to view or download the presentation slides, click here.
In order to view or download the announcement slides, click here.
If you would like to listen to or download the audio recording of today’s talk, click on the audio player below.
To watch the video of today’s talk use the YouTube link below.