WEEKLY PODCAST | In Between.107

Okay get ready: lots more book recommendations are coming your way.

Robert A. Johnson: She and He. These books, respectively, address feminine and masculine archetypes using the myths of “Aphrodite and Psyche” and “Percival and the Holy Grail.”

We are both deeply interested in the sacred feminine and masculine, and it keeps showing up in our talks and podcasts. It is clear, then, that some need for integrating the two is bubbling up. I would assert that the need to nurture the feminine is especially needed, and each and every one of us has feminine energy. We are in the grips of patriarchy that is not balanced by the feminine. We are in the grips of individualism when in fact we are naturally relational.

How do we get back to our nature and find balance? Rhiane Eisler offers an analysis of how we got here and an alternative to how we might become. Read The Chalice and the Blade for more. Along the lines of the feminine archtypes, Clarissa Pinkola Estés wrote a magnificent book called Women Who Run With the Wolves.

Good food for thought: where are you led by masculine energy and where are you led by feminine?

I do not mean male or female.

I mean where are you led by DOING and achieving, logic and reason vs. intuition, oriented towards receiving and allowing, and BEING. When we find a balance between the two a more harmonious sense of fulfillment is available.

Y’all, as a culture and as individuals, we’ve got our work cut out for us.

Robert A. Johnson’s HE & SHE